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Hair transplantationis globally considered as most efficient treatment for replacing loss hair. The most important reason for this, without a doubt, that the result is permanent. Other reasons are; hair transplantation provides results with natural appearance and it is an easier surgical treatment compared to others. - hair transplant

Hair transplantation is the permanent solution

Hair transplantation is undoubtedly the permanent surgical solution, because the hair collected from donor site (area on back of your head between the ears) are resistant to DHT hormone and chance of weakening and loss of hair is minimal to none.

Our doctors may suggest you Laser treatment, minoxidil, or finasteride based treatments according to level of your hair loss. Therefore, you will be able to protect your non-resistant to DHT hormone hair against hair loss.

Your own hair for the most natural result

Even covering the bald area by using hair prosthesis, hair building fibers and likewise artificial products against to hair loss seem like an easier solution, nothing will be a better solution than a successful hair transplantation result of using your own hair. It will be possible for you to get the results with natural appearance, which even your loved cannot tell the difference, through our hair transplantation operation applied  by our leading specialists plastic surgeons.

Getting an appointment without a hesitation for our doctors and sparing one hour for us will be a big step forward for that magnificent change in your life. - hair transplant